Cultural Arts Week 2025 - Scotland


We are excited to celebrate Scotland for this year's Cultural Arts Week, February 3-7 !
Cultural Arts Week will be held February 3rd - 7th and we are excited to bring the beautiful and historic country of Scotland to MDE!  The PTA will transform the school into Scotland featuring its architecture, music, food and culture.  Each classroom will visit Room 217 for 30 minutes and we need your help guiding students through.  No experience is necessary and we will provide all of the scripts and information.  Please see the Sign-Up Genius below for your child's class time and join us. In addition to classroom tours in Room 217, a bagpiper will come Monday, Feb 3rd and play music as students are leaving school.  There will also be a petting zoo on campus on Friday for students to see animals native to Scotland, including a Shetland Pony!
Please sign up below to be a Cultural Arts Tour Guide for your student's class.
Thank you for your help in making this a special week for our students!
Audra Jain and Hollie West
Cultural Arts Chairs