The Memorial Drive Elementary Community Men’s Association (the MDE CMA) is a charitable, 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded to facilitate fellowship among men in the Memorial Drive Elementary Community and to raise funds for the support of the Memorial Drive Elementary community.
We conduct social events for the purpose of fellowship among community men, and we raise money for the benefit of Memorial Drive Elementary and for qualified local community organizations that serve MDE.
In the Fall of 2019, we incorporated our historically unofficial “MDE Dad’s Club” into an official 501(c)(3) incorporated organization for the benefit of our kids, our community, and their experience as students at Memorial Drive Elementary. We and the PTA are mutually supportive organizations helping support and improve MDE. If you are a dad in the MDE community, we invite you to join us for fun, fellowship, and ongoing building of the MDE community.
Chair: Juan Carlos Flores
Past Chair: Chad Fargason
Treasurer: Tripp Rice
Secretary: Tim Geiger
Ex Officio: Richard Whiteley
Brooks Despot
Bubba Gentry
Bo Howell
Brent Riley
Reagan Swinbank
Rob Wellington
Chase Williamson
Please visit for more information and to join.